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DUEL: MrCØ VS Amadei & Zimmer on France Gall

New duel at the top and this time DJs are fighting over a classic of French variété: France Gall’s hit Ella, Elle L’a. French DJs are feeling nostalgic apparently.
The song was released in 1987. Yeah it’s one of these 80’s classics. Don’t ask me why DJs were suddendly attracted by this song, I have no idea.
Let’s start by the first ones: Amadei & Zimmer who released their remix a few months ago. The remix is nice. They didn’t touch to the vocals, or not a lot. The beats are a bit harder and hit the rythm with more energy. Also, the electric guitar has more prensence. This, added to the beats, gives a rock side to the track. Yeah, that’s it, I’d say it’s a electro-rock version of the song. But to be honest, the old fans of France Gall won’t get lost because the original spirit of the song is still there. Even the trumpets.

The second DJ is MrCØ. We already talked about him with his remix of La Madrague and we also loved Le Premier Bonheur du Jour. So, yes MrCØ knows what he does when taked an old French classic. Especially with former famous female singer.
This other French DJ takes more risks with this remix. The begining is all different from the original. A deep quick electric beat goes all along until the vocals of France Gall arrive. Then the beats is more discret and the original music takes over the remix. Anyway, this remix is still quicker, the rythm is faster, the vocals are faster, the beats too. It’s quick and dynamic without really changing the song. Again, France Gall’s fanbase won’t be lost in this track.

MrCØ did a little bit more on his remix but it’s not THAT different from what Amadei & Zimmer did. A kind of rework or maybe an update of this 80’s hit. To be honest, maybe the French DJs were impressed by everything France Gall represents. It’s a dangerous thing to touch to a 80’s hit in France. If you fail, you’re dead. Remixing one of the best voices of France musical history is a risky job.

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This being told, I’m going back to work and keep on searching nice tracks for you guys!

Into The Deep

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